Legal services
Step #1: Legal Scoring Service
By running your accounts through our Service before you take legal action, we give you valuable insight into whether this is the right time to take legal action, what the potential results might be from taking legal action, and what possible alternative actions exist.
Let us help you quickly, easily, and inexpensively gain greater insight into your accounts and help you choose the alternative that gives you greater odds of maximizing your returns while minimizing the risks to both your brand and your bottom line.
Step #2: Legal Path Services
Well, we completely understand, and we can also help you with this part of the legal process.
As a part of our Legal Path Services, we have developed a nationwide network of go-to attorneys who have experience dealing with situations like yours, who are willing to work for you under our predetermined terms, who are willing to charge you our predetermined fees, and who are willing to adhere to our predetermined standards regarding reporting expectations—all in an attempt to take as much pain as possible out of your decision to take legal action.
And perhaps the best part is that you are automatically provided with appropriately located attorney candidates without needing to shop around; you retain the attorney/client relationship, you make the final hiring decision, you make all of the ongoing legal decisions, and we provide all of the administrative services to you from that point forward so that you can keep your valuable team members focused on what they do best while we monitor and provide ongoing status reports on your case.
Higher liquidation, lower risk
We believe that your guarantors usually intend to abide by their agreements when they sign and that when they don’t abide by their agreements it’s usually because they’ve encountered some unexpected life obstacles. We, therefore, take a compassionate yet firm approach that gets you more money, brings guarantors back to the table, and returns guarantors to paying status under their initial agreements. You get higher liquidation at a lower cost, plus you minimize risk to your brand image.
When litigation becomes necessary, we’ll seek prior authorization from you. Once you authorize, we’ll move fast. That’s why we maintain a nationwide network of experienced litigators who are ready to act once you give the word.
What our funders are saying about Dedicated:
“We look forward to more and more days of continued success and synergy. [Dedicated is] a true partner and someone who we are proud to have on our team.”
— Gene S., Revenue Based Finance Funder